G20 Anti-Corruption Working Group

In recent years the G20 has played a critical role in global and national anti-corruption efforts

G20 Anti-Corruption Working Group

Recognizing the negative impact of corruption which, ‘threatens the integrity of markets, undermines fair competition, distorts resource allocation, destroys public trust, and undermines the rule of law’, the G20 is committed to ensuring that member countries lead by example and add value to existing international instruments and commitments.

In June 2010 at the Toronto Summit, the G20 Anti-Corruption Working Group’s (ACWG) was set up. Its primary goal is to prepare "comprehensive recommendations for consideration by leaders on how the G20 could continue to make practical and valuable contributions to international efforts to combat corruption".

The ACWG has led the G20 anti-corruption efforts coordinating the collective and national actions taken by its members. The ACWG actively works with the World Bank Group, the OECD, the UNODC, the IMF, the FATF, as well as with the Business 20 (B20) and the Civil Society 20 (C20).

The World Bank and the UNODC are also involved in the ACWG through the active participation and contribution of Stolen Asset Recovery Initiative (StAR) to its work.

StAR plays an advisory role on asset recovery, anti-money laundering/counter-terrorism financing (AML/CTF), transparency & beneficial ownership, and income & asset disclosures. In addition, StAR leads the World Bank Group delegation to the ACWG and coordinates the World Bank Group contributions and engagement.

Listed below are key documents related to the work of the G20 on anti-corruption

G20 Beneficial Ownership Guides

Country-specific Beneficial Ownership guides are available here. These guides were created as part of the Global Forum for Asset Recovery (December 2017), the G-20 Anti-Corruption Working Group (October 2016), or the Third Arab Forum on Asset Recovery (November 2014).

Action plans and Declarations

G20 2015-2016 Anti-Corruption Action Plan, Australia, 2014 (PDF | 396.85 KB)

G20 Anti-Corruption Update, Brisbane, Australia 2014 (PDF | 398.09 KB)

G20 Leaders Anti-Corruption Commitments, Compilation, September 2013 (PDF | 275.05 KB)

G20 Leaders Declaration, Russia, September 2013 (PDF | 979.76 KB)

G20 ACWG Action Plan 2013-2014 (PDF | 26.63 KB)

G20 ACWG St Petersburg Strategic Framework, Russia, 2013 (DOC | 52.50 KB)

G20 AACWG Anti-Corruption Action Plan, Seoul, 2010 (PDF | 109.85 KB)

G20 Anti-Corruption Working Group (ACWG) Proposal for 2015 - 2016 Priorities (PDF | 354.11 KB)

Implementation of UNCAC and G20 Commitments

G20 ACWG, 2015-16 Anti-Corruption Implementation Plan, Australia, 2014 (PDF | 218.63 KB)

G20 ACWG Accountability Report, Australia, June 2014 (PDF | 303.50 KB)

Accountability Report Questionnaire – Argentina. Australia, 2014 (PDF | 450.50 KB)

Accountability Report Questionnaire – Australia. Australia, 2014 (PDF | 251.91 KB)

Accountability Report Questionnaire – Brazil. Australia, 2014 (PDF | 255.40 KB)

Accountability Report Questionnaire – Canada. Australia, 2014 (PDF | 281.59 KB)

Accountability Report Questionnaire – China. Australia, 2014 (PDF | 250.10 KB)

Accountability Report Questionnaire – France. Australia, 2014 (PDF | 307.72 KB)

Accountability Report Questionnaire – Germany. Australia, 2014 (PDF | 292.12 KB)

Accountability Report Questionnaire – India. Australia, 2014 (PDF | 431.42 KB)

Accountability Report Questionnaire – Indonesia. Australia, 2014 (PDF | 183.68 KB)

Accountability Report Questionnaire – Italy. Australia, 2014 (PDF | 333.90 KB)

Accountability Report Questionnaire – Japan. Australia, 2014 (PDF | 250.70 KB)

Accountability Report Questionnaire – Mexico. Australia, 2014 (PDF | 305.89 KB)

Accountability Report Questionnaire – New Zealand. Australia, 2014 (PDF | 200.86 KB)

Accountability Report Questionnaire – Russia. Australia, 2014 (PDF | 224.46 KB)

Accountability Report Questionnaire – Saudi Arabia. Australia, 2014 (PDF | 327.82 KB)

Accountability Report Questionnaire – South Africa. Australia, 2014 (PDF | 254.25 KB)

Accountability Report Questionnaire – South Korea. Australia, 2014 (PDF | 251.97 KB)

Accountability Report Questionnaire – Spain. Australia, 2014 (PDF | 208.67 KB)

Accountability Report Questionnaire – Turkey. Australia, 2014 (PDF | 331.54 KB)

Accountability Report Questionnaire – United Kingdom. Australia, 2014 (PDF | 256.84 KB)

Accountability Report Questionnaire – United States. Australia, 2014 (PDF | 337.96 KB)

G20 ACWG Progress Report, Russia, September 2013 (PDF | 232.92 KB)

G20 ACWG Progress Report 2013, National Progress, Russia 2013 (PDF | 134.89 KB)

G20 ACWG Progress Report Policy and Practice Matrix, Russia 2013 (PDF | 73.97 KB)

G20 ACWG Progress Report Treaty and Legislative Framework Matrix 2013 (PDF | 94.18 KB)

G20 ACWG, 2nd Monitoring Report, Mexico 2012 (PDF | 72.07 KB)

G20 ACWG, 2nd Monitoring Report Grid, Mexico 2012 (PDF | 61.53 KB)

G20 ACWG, 1st Monitoring Report, France, 2011 (PDF | 578.89 KB)

G20 Anti-Corruption Implementation Status of G20 Commitments - Table Sheet (PDF | 60.43 KB)

International Cooperation

G20 High Level Principles on Mutual Legal Assistance, Russia 2013 (PDF | 124.29 KB)

G20 ACWG, Note on Mutual Legal Assistance prepared by the OECD and the UNODC, Russia 2013 (PDF | 204.71 KB)

Step-by-step guide: Requesting Mutual Legal Assistance in Criminal Matters from G20 Countries, Mexico 2012 (PDF | 1.05 MB)

Recovery of the Proceeds of Corruption

Brazil-StAR Initiative Report: Survey on Direct Recovery of Assets, 2024 (PDF | 64.4 MB)

G20 Anti-Corruption Working Group Asset Tracing Country Profiles, Germany, 2017 (PDF | 1.7 MB)

The Nine Key Principles of Asset Recovery, Benchmarking Survey of G20 Countries, Russia 2013 (PDF | 1.14 MB)

Assets Tracing Country Profiles, ACWG, Mexico, June 2012 (PDF | 910.24 KB)


Combat Money-Laundering

FATF/G20 Joint Expert's Meeting, Summary of Outcomes, Paris, October 2014 (PDF | 197.32 KB)

FATF/G20 Joint Experts' Meeting, Summary of Outcomes, Paris, October 2013 (PDF | 225.94 KB)

FATF/G20 Joint Expert's Metting, Summary of Outcomes, Paris, October 2012 (PDF | 187.83 KB)

FATF/G20 Joint Expert's Meeting, Summary of Outcomes, Paris, February 2011

FATF Reference Guide and Information Note, Paris, October 2010 revised in October 2012 (PDF | 1.24 MB)

Enhancing Asset Disclosure (CAD)

Argentina - AD Country Profile (PDF | 452.65 KB)

Australia - AD Country Profile (PDF | 448.16 KB)

Brazil - AD Country Profile (PDF | 494.99 KB)

Canada - AD Country Profile (PDF | 451.90 KB)

China - AD Country Profile (PDF | 383.47 KB)

France - AD Country Profile (PDF | 311.98 KB)

Germany - AD Country Profile (PDF | 511.51 KB)

India - AD Country Profile (PDF | 313.82 KB)

Indonesia - AD Country Profile (PDF | 303.61 KB)

Italy - AD Country Profile (PDF | 485.30 KB)

Japan - AD Country Profile (PDF | 400.58 KB)

Republic of Korea - AD Country Profile (PDF | 393.22 KB)

Russian Fed - AD Country Profile (PDF | 426.55 KB)

Mexico - AD Country Profile (PDF | 406.86 KB)

Saudi Arabia - AD Country Profile (PDF | 358.69 KB)

South Africa - AD Country Profile (PDF | 404.57 KB)

Spain - AD Country Profile (PDF | 516.28 KB)

Turkey - AD Country Profile (PDF | 302.37 KB)

UK - AD Country Profile (PDF | 430.53 KB)

USA - AD Country Profile (PDF | 441.00 KB)

Tackling Foreign Bribery: Principles, Enforcement and Guidance

Country self-assessment report on implementation and enforcement of G20 commitments on foreign bribery Argentina 2014 (PDF | 259.74 KB)

Country self-assessment report on implementation and enforcement of G20 commitments on foreign bribery Australia 2014 (PDF | 290.23 KB)

Country self-assessment report on implementation and enforcement of G20 commitments on foreign bribery Brazil 2014 (PDF | 319.45 KB)

Country self-assessment report on implementation and enforcement of G20 commitments on foreign bribery Canada 2014 (PDF | 278.89 KB)

Country self-assessment report on implementation and enforcement of G20 commitments on foreign bribery China 2014 (PDF | 122.93 KB)

Country self-assessment report on implementation and enforcement of G20 commitments on foreign bribery France 2014 (PDF | 219.41 KB)

Country self-assessment report on implementation and enforcement of G20 commitments on foreign bribery Germany 2014 (PDF | 218.60 KB)

Country self-assessment report on implementation and enforcement of G20 commitments on foreign bribery India 2014 (PDF | 268.19 KB)

Country self-assessment report on implementation and enforcement of G20 commitments on foreign bribery Indonesia 2014 (PDF | 184.18 KB)

Country self-assessment report on implementation and enforcement of G20 commitments on foreign bribery Italy 2014 (PDF | 331.72 KB)

Country self-assessment report on implementation and enforcement of G20 commitments on foreign bribery Japan 2014 (PDF | 198.54 KB)

Country self-assessment report on implementation and enforcement of G20 commitments on foreign bribery Mexico 2014 (PDF | 437.49 KB)

Country self-assessment report on implementation and enforcement of G20 commitments on foreign bribery Russia 2014 (PDF | 221.77 KB)

Country self-assessment report on implementation and enforcement of G20 commitments on foreign bribery South Africa 2014 (PDF | 281.59 KB)

Country self-assessment report on implementation and enforcement of G20 commitments on foreign bribery South Korea 2014 (PDF | 190.52 KB)

Country self-assessment report on implementation and enforcement of G20 commitments on foreign bribery Spain 2014 (PDF | 217.98 KB)

Country self-assessment report on implementation and enforcement of G20 commitments on foreign bribery Turkey 2014 (PDF | 687.25 KB)

Country self-assessment report on implementation and enforcement of G20 commitments on foreign
bribery United Kingdom 2014 (PDF | 199.23 KB)

Country self-assessment report on implementation and enforcement of G20 commitments on foreign bribery United States 2014 (PDF | 243.64 KB)

G20 Guiding Principles on Enforcement of the Foreign Bribery Offence, Russia 2013 (PDF | 100.43 KB)

Enforcement of Foreign Bribery Offence, G20 ACWG Note Prepared by the OECD, Russia 2013 (PDF | 148.01 KB)

G20 Guiding Principles to Combat Solicitation, Russia 2013 (PDF | 99.97 KB)

Improving Actions Against Solicitation, G20 ACWG Note prepared by the OECD, Russia 2013 (PDF | 167.75 KB)

Prevention of Corruption in the Public Sector

G20 ACWG Progress Report 2013, Compilation of G20 Responses on Procurement, Russia 2013 (PDF | 225.92 KB)

G20 High Level Principles on Asset Disclosure, Mexico 2012 (PDF | 157.69 KB)

G20 ACWG Common Principles for Action, Denial of Safe Haven, Mexico 2012 (PDF | 162.33 KB)

Strengthening Anti-Corruption

G20 ACWG, Policy Note: Fighting Corruption, Australia, September 2014 (PDF | 227.66 KB)

Consequences of Corruption at the Sector Level and Implications for Economic Growth and Development, OECD-WB, Australia, June 2014 (PDF | 183.32 KB)

OECD Secretary-General Report to the G20 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors, Sydney, Australia, February 2014 (PDF | 1.84 MB)

OECD Issues Paper on Corruption and Economic Growth, Russia 2013 (PDF | 345.64 KB)

Study on Whistleblower Protection Frameworks: Compendium of Best Practices and Guiding Principles for Legislation, OECD, G20 ACWG Bali Summit, May 2011 (PDF | 1.51 MB)

Promoting Business/Government Collaboration

B20 Anti-Corruption Working Group Report, Australia, July 2014 (PDF | 231.31 KB)

G20/OECD, Fourth Annual High-Level Anti-Corruption Conference for G20 Governments and Business, Rome, June 2014 (PDF | 357.28 KB)

B20, Statement by Presidents and CEOs of Companies in the B20 Task Force on Transparency and Anti‐corruption to the G20 Heads of State. Russia, September 2013 (PDF | 505.71 KB)

B20 Task Force on Improving Transparency and Anti-corruption, Recommendations, Russia, June 2013 (PDF | 547.56 KB)

B20–G20 Partnership for Growth and Jobs, Booklet with Recommendations from Business 20, Russia, July 2013 (PDF | 5.76 MB)

G20/OECD, Third Annual High-Level Anti-Corruption Conference for G20 Governments and Business – conclusions and summary, Russia, April 2013 (PDF | 337.91 KB)

B20 Task Force on Improving Transparency and Anti-Corruption, Immediate Actions and Decisions for Los Cabos, June 2012 (PDF | 34.25 KB)

G20/OECD, First High-Level Anti-Corruption Conference for G20 Governments and Business, conclusions and summary (PDF | 359.18 KB)

Promoting Civil Society Organizations/Government Collaboration

C20 Governance position paper, Australia, June 2014 (PDF | 2.59 MB)

C20 Proposal for 2015-16 priorities, Strengthening Asset Recovery Efforts, Australia, May 2014 (PDF | 340.77 KB)

C20 Proposal for 2015-16 priorities, Denial of Entry, Australia, May 2014 (PDF | 354.81 KB)

C20 Proposal for 2015-16 priorities, Detecting Corruption-Whistleblowing, Australia, May 2014 (PDF | 347.04 KB)

C20 Proposal for 2015-16 priorities, Enforcement against Foreign Bribery, Australia, May 2014 (PDF | 357.34 KB)

C20 Proposal for 2015-16 priorities, Private Sector-transparency, Integrity and Accountability, Australia, May 2014 (PDF | 346.37 KB)

C20 Proposal for 2015-16 priorities, Public Sector Transparency, Integrity and Accountability, Australia, May 2014 (PDF | 354.11 KB)

C20 Proposal for 2015-16 priorities, Tackling Money Laundering, Australia, May 2014 (PDF | 508.45 KB)