The StAR secretariat is based in the Finance Competitiveness and Innovation Global Practice at the World Bank. The StAR program relies on the expertise of an international team of professional and support staff based in its Secretariat in Washington DC, at UNODC’s Corruption and Economic Crime Branch in Vienna, and the UNODC field office in Bogota, as well as consultants worldwide. StAR team members work on a full or part time basis on StAR activities, as well as on the World Bank’s AML/CFT activities, on illicit financial flows, and on UNODC’s work on the UNCAC Implementation Review Mechanism and technical assistance activities.
The StAR Management Committee provides overall guidance to the StAR team and its work. It is chaired by the Global Director of the Practice Group that hosts StAR and includes members from the World Bank and UNODC. StAR also works closely with its Donor Consultative Group
StAR’s funding derives from the Multi Donor Trust Fund (MDTF) and from the World Bank global engagement budget. There is also a separate project budget for UNODC’s contribution to the work of StAR which covers the costs of seconded UNODC staff, other UNODC staff time and selected activities. In 2019, the MDTF received contributions from Australia, Switzerland and the UK (DFID and FCO), while Luxembourg, Norway (NORAD) and the US contributed the UNODC budget for StAR activities.
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