Arab Forum Special Sessions

Following the success of the first meeting of the Arab Forum, a work plan was put together to carry forward the momentum, through three special sessions to be organized prior to the second meeting of the Arab Forum on Asset Recovery.

The work plan focused on specific technical challenges that emerged during the first meeting of Arab Forum as well as in the context of ongoing casework and assistance provided by StAR and other partners to Arab countries in transition.

The main beneficiaries of the Special Sessions are Egypt, Libya, Tunisia and Yemen, with facilitators from regional and other partner countries.

Special Session I held at the Center for Rule of Law and Anti-Corruption, Qatar from April 02 to 04, 2013 focused on domestic coordination of asset recovery efforts and how to put into practice the asset recovery guides produced by the G8 countries and Switzerland.

Special Session II held in Sharm el Sheikh, Egypt from June 11 to 13, 2013 focused on how to conduct effective financial investigations to achieve successful asset recovery.

Special Session III  held in London, UK from September 03 to 04, 2013 focused on the role of civil society - including non-governmental organizations (NGOs), think-tanks, and academic institutions - in asset recovery. The session also included a media briefing of the Arab Forum.

Find the Arabic translation here

Special Sessions Resources

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Special Session I

Agenda Arab Forum Special Session One Draft StAR_8_Final (PDF | 254.51 KB)

Arabic - Agenda AFAR Special Session One_8_Final جدول أعمال الجلسة الخاصة الأولى للمنتدى العربي لاسترداد الأموال (PDF | 358.18 KB)

Arabic - Press Statement Arab Forum SSI بيان صحفي الجلسة الخاصة الأولى للمنتدى العربي لا (DOCX | 797.95 KB)

Concept Note Special Session I (DOCX | 42.39 KB)

English - Press Statement Arab Forum SSI بيان صحفي الجلسة الخاصة الاولى للمنتدى العربي ل (DOCX | 796.5 KB)

Special Session II

Arabic - Press Statement Arab Forum Special Session II (PDF | 109.39 KB)

Arabic Agenda - Arab Forum on Asset Recovery Special Session II (PDF | 478.16 KB)

Concept Note - Special Session II - English (PDF | 466.65 KB)

English - Press Statement Arab Forum Special Session II (PDF | 200.61 KB)

English Agenda - Arab Forum on Asset Recovery Special Session II (PDF | 428.35 KB)


Day 1


English -The role of the financial investigator in asset recovery The Canadian Experience - Day 1 (PDF | 317.67 KB)

English - Corruption and financial investigations in Egypt - Day 1 (PDF | 1.46 MB)

Arabic -The role of the financial investigator in asset recovery The Canadian Experience - Day 1 (PDF | 502.42 KB)

Arabic - Corruption and Financial Investigations in Egypt - Day 1 (PDF | 3.70 MB)

Day 2


English - Egmont Membership Process - Day 2 (PDF | 1.86 MB)

English - Computer Forensics - Day 2 (PDF | 3.31 MB)

Arabic - Computer Forensics - Day 2 (PDF | 3.32 MB)

Day 3


Arabic - Identify Criminal Financial Flow - Day 3 (PDF | 6.58 MB)

Special Session III

AFAR Special Session III Report English (PDF | 83.35 KB)

AFAR Special Session III Report Arabic (PDF | 137.42 KB)

SSIII Final Agenda_ENGLISH (DOCX | 98.56 KB)

SSIII Final Agenda_ARABIC (DOC | 155.50 KB)

Nuria Garcia Sanz_Panel 3_Presentation (PDF | 54.41 KB)

Mogib Hassan_Panel 2_Presentation (ARABIC) (DOCX | 31.40 KB)

James Maton_Panel 3_15638153_1-Overview of criminal and civil mechanisms_ PDF (PDF | 57.43 KB)

Jonathan Benton_Panel 1_Presentation (PDF | 91.57 KB)

Faycal Ajina_Panel 1_Presentation (PDF | 465.46 KB)

May Naggear & Hisham Hamze_Panel 1_London Presentation Ar (PDF | 636.05 KB)